Eye Spy: Investigating Visual Attention in Reading

Screening and enrollment for the 2023 Visual Attention Eye Tracking Study (Eye Spy) is now OPEN! You are welcome to sign up to be screened for eligibility for this project as well as for others within the lab.

This project requires a commitment of 2 visits to Stanford and 1 virtual Zoom session.

Please write “Visual Attention Study” or “Eye Spy” in the How did you hear about us? section of the screening form. Feel free to email us at readingresearch@stanford.edu if you have any questions or if you have not received an invitation to a screening session and would like to see if your child is eligible!

Project Background:

This research project will be conducted by the Stanford Reading and Dyslexia Research Program (RDRP). This project looks at the visual attention of children with and without dyslexia between the ages of 5 and 18 years old.

Because this is a research project, eligibility for the project depends on multiple factors. Please email our team if you are interested in participating and have not received a project invitation!

Stanford Visits:

This project involves 2 in-person sessions at Stanford University and 1 virtual Zoom session.

  • Virtual session: Consists of reading and thinking assessments. Following the Zoom session, your child will be asked to complete an online game, called Magic Island (~1 hour).
  • Visit 1 (Attention study with eye-tracking): Children are invited to play the online, Magic Island, game where they are on a mission to help several creatures make it to the magic door using a map of letters. Children will be given multiple breaks, light refreshments, and rewards (e.g., stickers) as they help the creatures. The game requires tracking their eyes and therefore will be conducted in the lab. The game will take ~1.5 hours.
  • Visit 2 (Visual processing study with eye tracking): Children are invited back to the lab to play the Hiking game where they are on a hunt looking for treasure using a map of numbers. Children will be given multiple breaks, light refreshments, and rewards (e.g., stickers) as they move through the hunt. The game requires tracking their eyes and therefore will be conducted in the lab. This game will take ~1 hour. Additionally, we will administer a 15 minute natural reading study paired with eye tracking. The total time for this study is ~1.5 hours.

Your child will be rewarded $15/hour.

The Stanford visits will include the following:

  • Visual attention measurements using behavioral assessments and online activities
  • Cognitive/ thinking activities
  • Parent surveys

Want to sign up to be considered?